New Mexico chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association
For questions regarding the test you can contact the Test Secretary if you are interested in entering.
If you have questions regarding the rules or requirements to run in an official NAVHDA Test you can refer to the International NAVHDA Website or refer to Aims, Programs, Test Rules.
NAVHDA Zia Test Policies
- To secure a spot in the NAVHDA Zia Chapter Test, the Test Secretary must receive both a completed entry form and the entry fee. An entry form is not complete unless all required information is provided.
- Entry into the NAVHDA Zia test is on a first come first served basis.
- Entry into the NAVHDA Zia test is not secured until the Test Secretary has received the complete entry form and payment.
- International NAVHDA registration is required of all dogs running a NAVHDA test. Additionally, both the dog owner and handler MUST be members of International NAVHDA to enter a dog in a test. The International NAVHDA dog registration number and owner / handler membership numbers are required on the entry form.
- The Test Entry Form can be found on the International NAVHDA website or this website. Complete the form, print, and mail with the check for entry fee to the test secretary.
- Written requests for a refund must be sent to the Test Secretary. Pulling a previously entered dog from a test for any reason requires a $25 administrative charge. Pulling a dog prior to 60 days before the first day of the test will result in a refund of the entry fee less the cost of birds for the test and the $25 administrative charge.* Pulling a dog at or within the 60 day time frame before the first day of the test will result in a total forfeiture of your entry fee.*
*Refund exception – If a handler pulls a dog from the test at any time before the test, and NAVHDA Zia can still completely fill the test, we will refund the entry fee less the $25 administrative charge. The NAVHDA Zia Test Secretary will work to find a replacement dog.
- An owner may substitute a dog of the same testing level for a dog already entered. An owner may substitute a handler on an entry. However, changes of both dog and handler are considered a new entry and must go to the end of the waiting list if one exists. If a substitution occurs, the dog owner is required to submit a corrected test entry form with the new information.
- If your entry is received after the test has been filled, you will be placed on a waiting list and receive notification of your position on that waiting list. If you do not want to be placed on the waiting list you can request to have your entry fee and test entry refunded at that time.
- Entry fees for those not placed as an active participant of the test will be refunded/returned and your entry form shredded.
Purchase your UPT or UT Test Entry through PayPal.
You still need to fill out a Test Entry Form and email or mail it to Linda. Your entry is not secured until both an entry form and payment have been received.
Map to The Boys Ranch testing site.
Purchase your NA Test Entry through PayPal.
You still need to fill out a Test Entry Form and email or mail it to Linda. You entry is not secured until both an entry form and payment have been received.
The NAVHDA ZIA Spring Test for NA, UPT, & UT levels will be held on April 26 & 27, 2024. Testing site will be the New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranch.
ENTRY FEE: Natural Ability - $200 UPT/UT - $225
Paying for test entries through PayPal is offered by NAVHDA Zia for the purpose of convenience. A service charge to cover the processing fees charged by PayPal has been added to the price of the entry.